The 10 Most Influential Women Leading the Business in 2023

Emily Hartstone: Empowering Financial Success through Entrepreneurship and Motivational Speaking

The 10 Most Influential Women Leading the Business in 2023

Meet Emily Hartstone, a powerhouse entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and the CEO of From The Hart Management, LLC. With an impressive background as an event and sales director, Emily’s expertise has been instrumental in helping businesses and individuals achieve their financial goals.

Emily’s journey began by organizing the first-ever conference for a Fortune 500 fitness company, followed by managing international conferences and annual summits. Recognizing her exceptional talent, she quickly rose to the position of Director of Events at Magellan Management, specializing in non-profit and trade associations.

Within three years, Emily transformed Magellan Management into a full-service events and management company, overseeing operations and business development. Her remarkable achievements led to a promotion to vice president, supported by her credentials as a Certified Nonprofit Executive (CNE), Certified Development Executive (CDE), and Certified Nonprofit Consultant (CNC) from NANOE.

Today, Emily continues to inspire as a dynamic entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and owner/CEO of From The Hart Management™. With her diverse expertise and unwavering dedication, she empowers businesses and individuals to reach their full potential and achieve financial success.

Expanding Horizons and Making a Lasting Impact

Emily possesses a natural inclination for strategy and problem-solving, thriving on the challenges of overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Early on, she gained valuable experience managing an event in Las Vegas, known as a formidable test for any event planner. Dealing with a plethora of logistics, permits, labor laws, and bureaucratic hurdles during that venture exposed her to the immense dedication and hard work required to bring a client’s vision to life, particularly when significant financial stakes are involved.

Meetings and events became the perfect platform for Emily to explore her talents and passions. They provided a solid framework for her to excel in what she truly enjoyed. Presently, she has expanded her expertise to encompass business consulting and association management. This transition allows her to contribute to the establishment of new companies or the complete transformation of those teetering on the brink of collapse, providing invaluable guidance. Teaching individuals how to effectively operate their businesses has become a profoundly meaningful pursuit for Emily, as it encompasses the entire spectrum of entrepreneurship, including management, strategy, and the creation of essential systems that foster sustainable growth.

Although meeting planning still plays a significant role in her work, especially within association management where it often serves as a primary revenue source, events are no longer the sole foundation upon which her company is built. Emily’s love for events persists and will always be an integral part of her professional endeavors, but she has broadened her scope to offer a comprehensive range of services.

Finding the Balance between Passion and Personal Life

Emily finds the work-to-life balance as the most challenging aspect of being an entrepreneur. She is constantly working and doesn’t mind it. The difficulty lies in finding time for socializing and having a personal life. Taking a vacation occasionally would be a welcome change, as it has been a long time since her last one. Emily’s friends often get frustrated because they don’t understand her inability to take time off. She remains dedicated and available whenever her responsibilities demand her presence. The mindset of an entrepreneur differs from that of a regular 9-to-5 worker, as the latter has a clear boundary between work and personal life. However, for Emily, such boundaries don’t exist because each day presents new challenges at unexpected times. Nevertheless, she enjoys this type of work.

Embracing Accountability

Accountability is paramount to Emily. It encompasses taking responsibility for one’s emotions, words, intentions, mistakes, decisions, and actions. As a leader, if someone on your team makes a mistake, it’s your responsibility for not providing them with the necessary guidance and tools. When clients are unhappy, it’s your fault for failing to clarify expectations or deliver on promises. Accountability inspires and elevates the performance of those around you, forming the essence of true leadership.

Being a leader, not just a “boss,” is crucial. Bosses demand, while leaders lead by example. Emily has observed throughout her career that underperforming employees often stem from leadership issues. Empowering your team goes beyond task delegation; it involves seeking their opinions and granting them autonomy to pursue their vision. In modern business, there are numerous opportunities to mentor and foster the growth of the next generation, making a profound impact.

Successful leaders possess empathy. An article Emily read highlighted the strong correlation between empathetic leadership and job satisfaction. In her past corporate role, she experienced an environment where walking on eggshells was the norm. Empathy creates a psychologically safe space where team members can express their authentic selves without judgment. By fostering such an environment, empathetic leaders enable employees to speak up and contribute freely.

Confidence is another vital quality for leaders. They must make significant decisions often accompanied by substantial risks. Although taking risks also means facing blame if things go wrong, leaders must display confidence and act decisively in high-stakes situations. While listening to differing viewpoints is essential, leaders should not waver in the face of criticism or conflict. They need self-assurance to trust their intuition and stand by their decisions.

Last of all, Emily adds that positivity is essential. While leaders don’t have to be perpetually cheerful, they must radiate a sense of optimism to their team. Employees are motivated by positive and inspiring leaders who they can look up to.

Navigating CEO and Consultant Roles with Finesse and Focus

Emily acknowledges that finding balance between her roles as a CEO and a business consultant and management firm is an ongoing process. Time management plays a significant role, as there is a distinct difference in the energy required for CEO responsibilities versus consulting work. Being honest with herself about what she can realistically accomplish in a day is crucial, considering her deep dedication to her work.

Emily relies on her team, whom she considers her family, to support her in handling daily tasks. The cohesion and trust within the team are vital for achieving a sense of balance. Prioritizing high-level tasks that require her immediate attention and effectively delegating the remaining responsibilities allow her to be fully engaged and energized in her consulting and management work.

In addition, Emily finds that practicing the Silva Method of meditation contributes to her ability to manage multiple responsibilities while staying grounded and organized. She practices this meditation technique daily and highly recommends it to others who may not be familiar with it.

Unwavering Strength

One of the most significant challenges Emily has faced in her career is battling leukemia while managing the demands of her business and personal life. There are moments when she feels like giving up, but what keeps her going is her “why.” She remembers that the work she does is meaningful and positively impacts people’s lives. The incredible individuals in her life, such as Chaunsea Keller, her business partner in Gifts From the Hart™, who has gone above and beyond to raise funds for her surgeries and support her in any way she needs, serve as a constant reminder of the power of human kindness.

Emily’s close friend Kate Thomas always offers her unwavering support and help with their Gifts Company, and Dorothee Kumpe, another remarkable entrepreneur who not only plans some of the events with Emily, but takes the lead on organizing photo shoots when necessary and provides all of the jewelry from her incredible company, Deep Purpose. Travis, a medical professional who saves lives everyday but always remembers to make sure there’s a smile on her face. These individuals are Emily’s heroes and serve as a constant reminder for her to never give up.

She feels blessed to work with purpose-driven individuals who are fighting to create change. While she acknowledges that she may not have completely overcome this challenge, she is determined to navigate through it while appreciating the blessings that keep her grounded and whole.

Overcoming Barriers to Success

Emily believes that ego and imposter syndrome are two significant obstacles to achieving success. She recognizes that many companies falter due to the mindset of “I know best,” instead of fostering a collaborative environment that values input from others. Distinguishing between being a credit-seeking, glory-seeking individual who dictates orders and being a true leader who guides and empowers the team is crucial. Approaching business, and life in general, with such a damaging mindset hinders genuine progress and prevents a clear understanding of the situation at hand. Ego blinds us to our own faults and convinces us that we are always right, even when we may be the root cause of a problem.

In her consulting work, Emily often encounters leaders who immediately attribute their team’s shortcomings to laziness, underperformance, or lack of knowledge. However, she has found that in the majority of cases, the problem actually lies within the leadership itself, rather than the team. Negative work cultures are often created by leaders who fail to take responsibility and introspect.

Imposter syndrome is another challenge that even successful individuals grapple with. Emily highlights the tragedy of talented individuals hiding from their true potential due to fear. Our brains are wired to prioritize survival, often leading us to protect ourselves from imagined worst-case scenarios. This mindset can lead to self-doubt and thoughts of inadequacy, questioning why we should believe in our ability to achieve something. Emily advises reframing the question from “Who am I to think I can accomplish XYZ?” to “How can I accomplish XYZ?” This shift in perspective empowers individuals to explore possibilities and take proactive steps toward success.

Additionally, Emily emphasizes the importance of learning from failures. She believes that failure is not a reflection of personal shortcomings but rather an opportunity for growth. Failures provide valuable lessons, allowing us to understand what doesn’t work and make necessary adjustments until we find the right solution. She is passionate about this concept and could delve into it at length.

Jewelry by: Deep Purpose Jewelry
IG – @deep_purpose
Photos By: Simply Great Productions and Wild Orchid Media, LLC
