The 10 Most Influential Women Leading the Business in 2023

Liliana Bernal: Transforming the Recruiting Industry through Innovation and Mentorship

The 10 Most Influential Women Leading the Business in 2023

Leadership transformation in the recruiting industry is a crucial aspect given the evolving nature of talent acquisition and the need for innovative approaches to attract and retain top talent. To address this transformation, leaders in the recruiting industry must adapt their strategies and adopt new leadership practices.

In the fast-paced world of recruitment, where talent acquisition and service excellence are paramount, one name stands out as a true industry leader: Liliana Bernal. With an illustrious career spanning over two decades, Liliana has consistently demonstrated her expertise, drive, and passion for exceeding customer expectations. Her solution-based programs have proven to be invaluable for clients at the local, regional, and national levels.

Today, Liliana is thrilled to announce her commitment to mentoring and partnering with individuals who are ready to embark on the transformative journey of becoming successful business owners in the recruitment field.

A Serendipitous Journey

Liliana’s entrance into the world of HR was an unexpected turn of events when she joined a manufacturing company as a recruiter. Initially, her path in the recruiting industry was unplanned. Interestingly enough, Liliana was once a client of a recruitment agency herself, and it was the perceptive suggestion of the recruiter she collaborated with that guided her towards this profession. This recommendation turned out to be fortuitous, as Liliana wholeheartedly embraced the role and has never turned away from it since. Now, after two decades, she continues to be a vital and valued contributor to this remarkable industry.

The allure of the recruiting field lies in its ability to expose professionals like Liliana to a diverse array of employers and industries. With each passing day, she encounters fresh challenges and opportunities, ensuring that no two days are ever the same. This constant dynamism keeps her engaged, motivated, and perpetually learning. Undoubtedly, Liliana finds immense satisfaction in contributing to this remarkable industry, which continues to inspire her after all these years.

Empowering Diversity

In 2019, Liliana joined Balance Staffing to establish their Franchise Division. The goal was to create a network of diversity-certified owners, providing individuals from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to become business owners in the staffing industry. This model also allowed employers to partner with Balance Staffing’s Franchise Division, benefiting from a nationwide network focused on diverse talent acquisition. Liliana’s work in this division empowered diverse entrepreneurs and facilitated partnerships with organizations committed to diversity and inclusion, driving positive change in the staffing industry.

From Ground Up to Client Success

Liliana takes immense pride in the establishment of the Franchise Division, having built the business and ownership model from the ground up. However, what truly brings her the greatest sense of pride in her career is the opportunity she has had to work directly with numerous clients, especially during crucial times when meeting their talent acquisition needs was vital to achieving their business goals.

Being on the front lines, Liliana has been able to play a pivotal role in developing and fulfilling the talent requirements of these clients, contributing directly to their success. This hands-on involvement and impact on client outcomes have been the most rewarding aspects of her career journey.

The Art of Understanding Candidates and Clients

According to Liliana, a successful recruiter is someone who possesses the ability to think outside the box. They understand that a candidate is more than just a resume, recognizing the importance of looking beyond the qualifications and experiences listed on paper. Similarly, they understand that a job description only provides a limited perspective on what a hiring manager truly seeks in a candidate.

By actively listening to both the candidate and the client, a skilled recruiter can gain a deeper understanding of their needs, preferences, and goals. This allows them to make informed decisions that benefit both parties and foster a successful and meaningful connection. The emphasis lies in truly comprehending the unique qualities and aspirations of the candidate, as well as the specific requirements and culture of the client’s organization.

This approach leads to successful placements and builds strong connections between candidates and employers. Liliana believes that this attentive and empathetic approach is key to achieving success as a recruiter and creating lasting relationships with both candidates and clients.

Driven by Purpose

One of the most significant lessons Liliana has learned is the importance of identifying and articulating one’s “why.” By having a strong vision and clearly stating non-negotiables, it becomes easier for the team to align and follow the path set forth.

For Liliana and her team, one non-negotiable is their refusal to work with potential clients who view candidates as mere bodies or numbers, rather than as unique individuals. This commitment aligns with their values and ensures they maintain a high standard of service and respect for both candidates and clients.

By staying true to their path, adhering to their values, and focusing on their vision, Liliana believes that the desired results and business goals will naturally follow. This emphasis on purpose and integrity not only guides decision-making but also fosters a positive work environment and attracts like-minded individuals to the team.

Navigating the Uncharted

Liliana identifies the toughest clients she has ever worked with as those with highly specific and substantial recruitment needs. These are the situations where meeting the client’s requirements becomes an absolute necessity, pushing both Liliana and her team completely out of their comfort zones.

In these challenging scenarios, Liliana and her team must go above and beyond their usual practices and capabilities. They are required to think creatively, devise innovative solutions, and stretch their limits to fulfill the client’s needs effectively. The pressure to deliver exceptional results can be intense, but it also presents an opportunity for growth and development.

Exploring Beyond Borders

Liliana finds great pleasure in traveling, both domestically and internationally. As someone in the people business, she appreciates how traveling exposes her to diverse individuals, expanding her horizons beyond her usual circle. This exposure to different cultures and perspectives enriches her understanding of people and the world.

Attending conferences is another source of enjoyment for Liliana. She finds inspiration in hearing speakers share their stories, as she is fascinated by the journeys that have shaped them into who they are today. The insights gained from these experiences contribute to her personal and professional growth.

Balancing personal and business life can be challenging, especially as a business owner where downtime is scarce. Nonetheless, Liliana recognizes the importance of giving her brain a break and cherishing special moments with loved ones. Finding those opportunities to unwind and enjoy quality time is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Balancing Priorities

Liliana recognizes the need to improve her ability to balance work, play, and her physical and mental well-being. As she grows older, she places great importance on maintaining good health. From a personal standpoint, she aims to prioritize self-care and achieve a healthier work-life balance.

From a business perspective, Liliana’s focus for the next 5-10 years is twofold. Firstly, she aims to continue growing her own business, expanding its reach and impact in the industry. Additionally, she has a goal of recruiting more franchise owners and supporting them on their journey to success. This involves providing guidance, resources, and mentorship to help them thrive within the staffing industry.

Besides, Liliana aspires to enhance her speaking career. She seeks to use her experiences and expertise to support and inspire women entrepreneurs, sharing her insights and empowering them on their own entrepreneurial journeys.

Following Passion and Purpose

Liliana’s advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is to pursue their passion when starting a business. She recognizes that developing a viable and profitable business idea can be challenging. Alongside this, it is crucial to define a unique value proposition that sets the business apart from others in the same industry.

Throughout the entrepreneurial journey, there will be numerous lessons to learn. However, Liliana emphasizes that passion and belief in oneself and the business cannot be feigned or taught. This genuine enthusiasm and confidence are what people will invest in and buy from. They form the foundation of success and resonate with customers, creating a connection that goes beyond mere transactions.

Liliana encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to harness their passion, identify their unique value proposition, and remain steadfast in their belief in themselves and their business. With these qualities, they can navigate the challenges and uncertainties of entrepreneurship and create a venture that resonates with customers and thrives in the market.

The Future of Recruiting in a Rapidly Evolving Industry

Liliana acknowledges the rapid evolution of the recruiting industry, necessitating adaptability and adjustment from recruiters. Key areas of focus include embracing technology, prioritizing diversity and inclusion, assessing soft skills, utilizing data-driven decision making, and adapting to remote work arrangements. By staying ahead of these trends and changes, recruiters can position themselves for success and meet the evolving needs of clients and candidates.
