The 10 Most Disruptive Women Leaders to Watch in 2023

Liesbeth Ceelen: An Impactful Leader Driving Biotech Success

The 10 Most Disruptive Women Leaders to Watch in 2023

Combining a profound scientific background with exceptional managerial prowess, Liesbeth Ceelen has emerged as a remarkable force driving the success of biotech enterprises with unwavering vision and strategic acumen. With a remarkable journey that began after achieving a PhD in veterinary sciences and subsequently assuming the role of a study director at J&J, Liesbeth’s fervent entrepreneurial spirit propelled her into the dynamic world of start-ups and scale-ups. Immersed in the vibrant biotech and healthcare sectors, she garnered invaluable expertise across diverse domains, ranging from operational efficiency, quality assurance, and project management to scientific leadership, sales, and business development. 

At present, Liesbeth holds the esteemed position of CEO at BioLizard, where her resolute objective is to establish the company as the preeminent bioinformatics consultancy firm across Europe and the United States. Her unwavering commitment to leading by example is complemented by an unyielding ambition to inspire individuals and foster their personal growth—a passion she actively nurtures through her involvement in prestigious organizations such as the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association, Women on Board, and the TOPX Network for Women in Life Sciences. Moreover, in addition to her illustrious professional endeavors, Liesbeth takes immense pride in her role as a devoted mother to her cherished children, Lore, Elise, and Lukas.   

A Milestone at J&J 

Liesbeth’s role as a study director at J&J marked a significant milestone in her career. Stepping away from academia required her to learn a plethora of new concepts and skills from scratch. Joining the well-organized department at J&J proved immensely beneficial to her growth. The position of study director allowed her to oversee various aspects, including quality control, interpretation of clinical results, people and project management, and report writing. She found immense satisfaction in having a comprehensive view of operations and connecting essential dots across departments and projects. Additionally, she had the opportunity to collaborate with diverse professionals in the field of clinical research. This job served as an excellent introduction to clinical research, teaching her to maintain a holistic perspective while understanding the challenges and opportunities at each stage of the (pre)clinical pipeline, ranging from initial screening to first-in-human studies. Many of the skills she needed for her subsequent positions were honed during her time at J&J. Furthermore, the presence of a remarkable team and a multinational environment contributed to her overall experience, aspects that she still values as the CEO of BioLizard. 

Utilizing Innate Qualities and Building on Skills 

Looking back, Liesbeth perceives her career path as highly logical. At each stage, she effectively utilized her innate qualities and interests while building upon the skills acquired in her previous roles. Initially, Liesbeth’s primary focus was on science, and this emphasis remained crucial during her early years at J&J. However, even as a scientist, she demonstrated exceptional aptitude in planning and time management, which proved instrumental in her transition from scientist to project manager and, subsequently, operational manager. Her natural precision and attention to detail led her to a quality assurance role almost serendipitously. As a person constantly seeking new challenges, Liesbeth gradually became more involved in business development and direct customer engagement, which she found immensely gratifying. This eventually propelled her into more commercial-oriented positions. Her success in these roles can be attributed largely to her diverse background encompassing experience as a scientist, project manager, and head of operations management services. Such a varied background granted her an in-depth understanding of customers’ concerns from scientific and quality perspectives, enabling her to empathize with their needs. Consequently, from 2016 onward, Liesbeth increasingly immersed herself in business development and sales, paving the way for subsequent advancements at BioLizard, where she took on roles such as business development director, General Manager, and ultimately CEO. 

Now, as a CEO, Liesbeth recognizes the significance of being a generalist. Her primary strength in this position lies in her ability to comprehend various departments and roles within the company and perceive the interconnections between them. Her capacity to do so stems from her experience performing diverse roles across multiple companies throughout her career. 

Passion, Purpose, and the Power of Data 

Liesbeth finds great fulfillment in her role at BioLizard, as it aligns perfectly with her passion. Guiding the company and witnessing the collective growth of its people brings her immense joy. She also feels a deep connection to the company’s objective of harnessing the power of data. Liesbeth firmly believes that leveraging data effectively serves as the cornerstone for more efficient biomarker and drug development, which resonates with her personal drive to create tangible outcomes that genuinely benefit individuals. Furthermore, operating in a fast-moving and innovative industry necessitates agility in addressing challenges and seizing opportunities. As an individual, Liesbeth appreciates agility, making it a natural fit between herself and the company. Moreover, BioLizard boasts an exceptional team that contributes to its success. The company, the data, and the team form a harmonious blend of essential elements required for a prosperous organization. 

Building a Strong Foundation for Continued Growth 

BioLizard has experienced organic growth thus far, with plenty of work ahead to continue expanding. Strengthening the management team has been a crucial step in driving further growth. As the CEO, Liesbeth recognizes the challenges that come with this responsibility and understands the importance of assembling a diverse team with a comprehensive range of skill sets. This is vital in establishing BioLizard as the leading data science company. Additionally, having a board that complements and challenges the management team while instilling trust and providing opportunities for growth is equally important.  

Liesbeth believes that constant challenges and support are essential for arriving at new insights. Building trust within the team is a critical factor in achieving success. In general, Liesbeth firmly believes that the key to success lies in surrounding oneself with the right people and then taking action. She acknowledges that accomplishing significant goals will never be easy, but with hard work, dedication, an exceptional team, and a well-defined plan of action, it can be accomplished. 

Inspiring Leadership 

As a female leader, Liesbeth aspires to serve as an inspiration for women within the company simply by leading by example and contributing to the company’s growth. She aims to demonstrate that, through hard work and smart work, it is possible for women to successfully lead a company. Liesbeth often encounters inquiries from younger women, asking how she manages to balance her role as CEO with having children and maintaining a personal life. By fulfilling her responsibilities and showcasing that it is indeed achievable, she instills belief in others that they too can excel in such positions. 

Moreover, Liesbeth believes in providing people with opportunities to venture into uncharted territory. She is not a proponent of micromanagement, preferring instead to offer support, guidance, and trust in her team’s abilities to perform their jobs. Although mistakes may occur along the way, she recognizes that without affording individuals the chance to tackle new challenges, they will not have the opportunity to learn and grow. Liesbeth endeavors to be there for her team, offering support when needed and making herself available for advice, while granting them autonomy to manage their own tasks without constant oversight. 

Forming Connections and Empowering Women 

What Liesbeth particularly enjoys about the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association, Women on Board, and the TOPX Network for Women in Life Sciences is that these organizations and associations are offer the opportunity to form connections with individuals, both women and men. She has observed that women often share similar sentiments and face common challenges in terms of confidence in male-dominated environments and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Liesbeth expresses gratitude for feeling genuinely appreciated by men in her field and emphasizes her enjoyment of working with men and in such environments. She prefers not to overly focus on gender but rather on the individuals themselves, emphasizing the importance of building exceptional teams and fostering environments where both men and women can thrive. 

Nevertheless, Liesbeth values these associations as they provide her with the chance to network with other women, gain new insights into the healthcare space, familiarize herself with other companies in the field, and access personal development and learning opportunities. She also deeply appreciates the opportunity to mentor younger professionals within these associations, as passing on her experience and knowledge is a cause dear to her heart. Liesbeth hopes to inspire others through her networks and networks’ activities. As an additional benefit, she has even found new employees through these networking platforms. 

Approach as a CEO and Parent 

Liesbeth acknowledges the challenges of balancing her demanding role as a CEO with being a parent. She believes that effective time management and the ability to prioritize tasks are crucial in achieving this balance. Liesbeth highlights her strength in constantly planning while also enjoying the flexibility to adapt her plans as needed. Additionally, she mentions that she does not require much sleep, which aids her in managing her responsibilities effectively. 

Furthermore, Liesbeth mentions that her children are independent and accustomed to having a mother who works extensively and demonstrates great dedication to her job. Nonetheless, she ensures that her children understand that they remain her top priority. She recalls a heartwarming moment when her youngest daughter’s teacher shared that the daughter was proud of Liesbeth and considered her a role model. This feedback reassured Liesbeth that she was doing something right, despite occasional doubts about whether she spends enough time with her children. Hearing such positive feedback brought her great joy and satisfaction. 

Insightful Perspective 

According to Liesbeth, the top challenges in biotech are interconnected. Firstly, there is a significant gap between the promising scientific ideas generated in academic labs and their successful translation into clinical research settings. Bridging this gap poses a considerable challenge. Additionally, the financial aspect of biopharma research presents a hurdle, as drug development remains an expensive process. Lastly, there is an underutilization of scientific data despite its abundance. Liesbeth firmly believes that by delving deeper into the existing data, there is immense potential to significantly enhance drug development pipelines in terms of speed and quality. 

On the other hand, Liesbeth identifies data and new technologies as the top opportunities in biotech. Companies that can harness existing data, including public data, in an intelligent manner have the chance to develop superior compounds and reduce the risk associated with pipelines. This approach also helps in mitigating the expenses associated with drug development. Moreover, effectively utilizing data from the early stages of research projects can help attract investors by demonstrating the potential of great products. The rapid advancement of AI-based technologies presents another significant opportunity. Adopting these tools effectively in clinical trials and other research projects holds tremendous promise. BioLizard, with its expertise in AI and a team of experts, is well-positioned to apply AI in a smart and impactful way within the field of biotech. 

BioLizard’s Path to Progress 

Liesbeth places a significant emphasis on innovation within the company. BioLizard actively explores new technologies and closely monitors industry trends. The company strives to anticipate the relevance and potential value of emerging technologies in the (pre)clinical research field and assesses their suitability for implementation. If there is potential, BioLizard readily embraces new technologies to drive progress. 

Additionally, BioLizard prioritizes continuous learning. The company ensures ample learning opportunities for its team members to stay informed about the latest technologies and innovations. Investing in the development of its people is a core value, and fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing among team members is vital. BioLizard even has an in-house innovation track, which provides a framework to support individuals in generating new ideas and exploring their business potential and scientific quality. While staying up-to-date and ensuring ongoing training on new developments can be a challenge, it also creates opportunities and keeps the team engaged and motivated. 

Advice for Biotech Entrepreneurs 

Liesbeth offers valuable advice to aspiring entrepreneurs in the biotech field. She emphasizes the importance of learning from supervisors and observing the actions and decisions of men and women in the industry. By doing so, one can gain insights from both successful and unsuccessful experiences. Continuously expanding knowledge and seeking new skills outside of one’s comfort zone is also crucial. Liesbeth herself has pursued various courses, ranging from science and entrepreneurship to storytelling, and has even embarked on an executive MBA program. While a scientific background provides a strong foundation, she encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to go beyond that and be open to new opportunities and challenges. 

Confidence plays a vital role in the journey, and Liesbeth advises individuals to believe in their abilities. Often, people are capable of more than they initially realize. Taking the leap and trying new things, even if they don’t always work out, is essential for growth. Lastly, Liesbeth highlights the significance of surrounding oneself with the right people. Building a supportive network is invaluable and can contribute to success and personal development. 

Achieving Remarkable Growth  

BioLizard has achieved remarkable milestones under Liesbeth’s leadership. Starting as a team of only five people, the company has grown exponentially and is set to reach a team size of fifty by the end of 2023. This remarkable growth is a testament to their success. In addition to expanding their team, BioLizard has consistently doubled its revenue every year. They have also successfully expanded into the United States, further broadening their reach. 

Furthermore, BioLizard has garnered a portfolio of esteemed and captivating clients that they are proud to support. However, Liesbeth’s greatest source of pride lies in the culture they have fostered within the company. Creating an environment where individuals connect and learn from one another is immensely rewarding. BioLizard’s inclusive culture is exemplified by the opportunity they provide to young individuals from diverse backgrounds worldwide. The variety of perspectives, languages, and nationalities within the company is viewed as a strength, contributing to the vibrant and dynamic atmosphere at BioLizard. 

Fostering Growth, Expansion, and Industry Leadership 

Liesbeth’s future plans for BioLizard revolve around continued growth and expansion. The company aims to further extend its presence within Europe and North America. Ultimately, Liesbeth envisions BioLizard becoming the primary choice for life science companies when they have data-related inquiries. Being recognized as the go-to data science partner is a key objective. 

Additionally, Liesbeth plans to support the growth of BioLizard by expanding the team, enhancing their services, developing new products, and maximizing the company’s value. These efforts will further strengthen BioLizard’s position in the industry and contribute to its continued success. 
