The 10 Most Impactful Leaders Transforming the Business,2024

Roger Knecht: Empowering Accounting Professionals for Success

The 10 Most Impactful Leaders Transforming the Business,2024


Driving change and transformation with his wealth of experience and expertise, Roger Knecht emerges as a seasoned leader in the ever-evolving landscape of accounting. With over two decades of immersion in sales, marketing, HR, and operations, Roger has propelled Universal Accounting Center (UAC) to the pinnacle of success, establishing it as a premier training and coaching provider across the United States and Canada. 

Roger’s journey is marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence and a commitment to empowering accounting professionals. Armed with certifications as a Professional Bookkeeper, Profit & Growth Expert, and Value Builder, Roger brings a unique blend of technical proficiency and strategic insight to the table. His deep analytical understanding of the selling process and sales cycle has been pivotal in driving revenue growth, enhancing profitability, and fostering customer retention at Universal Accounting. 

The impact of Roger’s work transcends the confines of his company, as he channels his expertise towards fostering entrepreneurship and small business success. Through his guidance, thousands of accountants, bookkeepers, and tax preparers have embarked on the journey of building their own successful accounting firms. His commitment to their growth and development extends beyond mere mentorship; it’s a mission to empower accounting professionals to become the Profit and Growth Experts for their clients.  

Roger’s influence extends to the realm of thought leadership, where he has made significant contributions through best-selling books and podcasts on the principles of small business success. His insights resonate with professionals across the industry, shaping their perspectives and guiding their actions toward achieving personal and professional goals. 

At the core of Roger’s leadership philosophy lies a relentless drive for innovation and excellence. His vision for Universal Accounting transcends conventional boundaries, as he pioneers new approaches and strategies to meet the evolving needs of accounting professionals in a dynamic marketplace. 

Transition to President 

Roger’s journey with Universal Accounting Center (UAC) began in the 1990s when he was working in the staffing industry, specializing in placing accounting professionals in both temporary and permanent roles. His introduction to UAC proved to be fruitful, as the school became a valuable resource for skilled accountants, and Roger found success in working with their graduates. His career with UAC evolved over the years, encompassing various roles and experiences. From initiating new departments to extensive travel across the US and Canada as often as 40 weekends a year, Roger’s journey was marked by diverse challenges and achievements.  

A significant milestone in Roger’s career occurred when he was entrusted with the responsibility of becoming the third president of UAC. This transition brought both challenges and triumphs, as he navigated the company through economic fluctuations and technological advancements. Despite not being the founder, Roger has led UAC through significant transformations, notably transitioning from traditional classroom-based education to a fully online platform offering independent study programs. 

Reflecting on the journey, Roger acknowledges the remarkable changes UAC has undergone and the profound impact it has had on the lives of professionals pursuing accounting education. His leadership has been instrumental in steering the company through these changes and ensuring its continued success in the ever-evolving landscape of education and technology. 

Mission to Equip Accountants with Skills  

In accounting, Universal Accounting Center (UAC) goes beyond ensuring compliance with tax obligations. The institution is committed to providing owners of bookkeeping, accounting, and tax businesses with comprehensive training, certification, coaching, and support to deliver quality services profitably. Roger, a certified professional with the Value Builder System, advocates for the integration of strategic advisory and coaching services into the accounting profession. 

Roger, leveraging his expertise and insights, authored the book “Your Strategic Accountant,” emphasizing the importance of core accounting services in facilitating business growth. Recognizing a growing trend among accounting firms, Roger promotes the adoption of CFO & Advisory Services, as detailed in UAC’s publications such as “Red to Black” and “In the Black – Nine Principles to Make Your Business Profitable.” 

This paradigm shift presents an opportune moment for accountants to evolve into trusted strategic advisors, or what Roger terms Profit & Growth Experts. His latest book, “Your Profit & Growth Expert,” delves into the transformative role of accountants as advisors and coaches, guiding businesses toward long-term success. 

Furthermore, Roger advocates for accountants to engage in holistic discussions with business owners, encompassing areas beyond traditional financial matters such as exit plans, business valuations, and strategic growth initiatives. Principles outlined in books like “Profit First” by Michael Michalowicz and “Built to Sell” by John Warrillow complement these discussions, providing valuable insights into enhancing business value and driving growth. 

As the accounting landscape continues to evolve, Roger and UAC remain steadfast in their commitment to empowering accounting professionals to adapt to these changes. Their mission is to equip accountants with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in a dynamic business environment, positioning them as indispensable advisors driving business success while completely offering quality accounting services. 

Accounting Professionals as Business Assets 

Assisting owners across various industries in applying the nine principles and eight drivers to enhance profitability and overall performance, Roger emphasizes the pivotal role of accounting professionals in establishing premier bookkeeping, accounting, and tax firms. Beyond equipping professionals with the requisite skills for offering traditional services, Roger focuses on instilling the confidence within professionals to engage with business owners as peers and experts, serving as their trusted Profit & Growth Experts. 

The transformative shift occurs when business owners perceive their accounting professionals as assets contributing to their business success rather than mere liabilities necessitated by compliance and tax obligations. This shift in perspective fosters a collaborative coaching relationship between the accountant and business owner, transcending traditional bookkeeping and tax preparation services to encompass accounting, tax planning, CFO, and Advisory services. 

Within this proactive engagement, the emphasis is to empower business owners to become effective leaders, leveraging accounting insights to drive business decisions, optimizing revenue generation and sales processes, enhancing profitability through intentional financial management, and recognizing the business as a valuable asset with an eye towards future exit and valuation strategies. 

This approach, rooted in the Universal Business Model and the nine principles of profitability, often commences with a comprehensive business assessment and score, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and actionable steps for improvement. Armed with this strategic roadmap, accounting professionals collaborate proactively with business owners to refine business strategies and drive growth. 

As part of Universal Accounting Center’s curriculum, this process forms an integral component of training for accounting professionals, enabling them to confidently and competently serve their clients while commanding fair compensation for their expertise. By implementing the steps outlined in the Universal Business Builder program, accountants gain a clear pathway to delivering impactful engagements that propel small businesses toward sustainable success. 

Implementing a Proven Sales Process to Nurture Potential Clients 

Roger underscores Universal Accounting Center’s mantra, “nothing happens until you make a sale,” highlighting the paramount importance of securing paying customers for accounting professionals. Regardless of one’s proficiency as a bookkeeper, accountant, or tax preparer, without a steady stream of clients, expertise becomes inconsequential. To address this, significant effort is devoted to helping accounting professionals discern the distinction between marketing and sales, enabling them to prioritize their efforts effectively and drive business growth. 

A key aspect of this approach involves teaching the Rule of Thumb in marketing, emphasizing the need for accounting professionals to have four proven methods for connecting with ideal clients, along with one experimental method. It is common to find accounting professionals neglecting marketing efforts, despite it being the critical starting point of the sales funnel. By investing in effective marketing strategies, professionals can expect a higher yield of qualified customers or clients. 

Once marketing efforts yield promising leads, the focus shifts to implementing a proven sales process that nurtures potential clients. Through education and guidance, accounting professionals help prospective clients understand the “what” and “why” behind their services, positioning themselves as indispensable experts capable of addressing the unique accounting needs of the business. Ultimately, it is the expertise and value demonstrated by the accounting professional that leads clients to recognize the necessity of their services and willingly engage their expertise. 

Importance of Dedicated Personnel  

According to Roger, larger firms benefit from assigning dedicated personnel to manage the client onboarding experience, as the initial three months of the client relationship present an opportunity to truly impress and exceed expectations. The principle of “under promise and over deliver” is particularly relevant during this period, setting a positive tone for the ongoing relationship. 

In the absence of a designated onboarding specialist, clear Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are essential to ensure a consistent and repeatable onboarding experience. These SOPs should adhere to the principle of “Tell, Tell, Tell,” which involves informing the client of what to expect, providing updates throughout the process, and communicating clearly about the next steps. 

During the first three months of engagement, the firm’s goals should include: 

  • Reviewing the client’s past financials and chart of accounts to gain insights into their current position and business operations, understanding their business model. 
  • Providing the client with accurate financials for the recent three months, ensuring confidence in the numbers presented. 
  • Conducting a comprehensive review with the business owner to understand their business model, chart of accounts, and past performance, demonstrating the firm’s understanding of the client’s company. 
  • Determining changes and plans for the remainder of the year aimed at minimizing tax liability and maximizing profits. 

Achieving these objectives within the initial three-month period allows the firm to “WOW” the client, potentially garner referrals, and establish a strong foundation for long-term customer relations and retention. 

Identifying Action Items Aligned with Core Business Areas 

As accounting professionals transition towards advisory and coaching relationships with their clients, interactions must become more deliberate and intentional. Universal Accounting Center emphasizes a structured approach for its Profit & Growth Experts, recommending regular meetings with clients, typically 2 to 3 times per month, to facilitate proactive engagement and strategic planning. 

During the initial meeting, the focus is on reviewing the previous month’s financials, analyzing any notable changes, variations, or deviations from standards or norms. From this discussion, action items are identified for the coming weeks and months, aligning with the three core areas of the business defined in the Universal Business Model: Marketing & Sales, Accounting (Cash Flow), and Production (Efficiency and Profitability). Each action item is meticulously mapped out, prioritized, and delegated for effective execution 

In subsequent meetings, additional business concepts related to the “Nine Principles to Make the Business Profitable” and “Eight Drivers” are introduced and discussed, aiming to educate the business owner and empower them to work on their business strategically. Once again, actionable items are identified, mapped out, prioritized, and delegated to drive continuous improvement and growth. 

This structured approach ensures that each client engagement is purposeful and productive, fostering a collaborative environment where both the accounting professional and the business owner work together towards achieving their goals month after month. 

Encouraging Forward-Thinking and Strategic Discussions 

Roger underscores the importance of a skill set that enables accountants to engage confidently with their clients beyond traditional bookkeeping and tax preparation. This proactive approach to client relations empowers business owners to make more informed decisions, elevating the role of accounting within the business and enhancing client retention. 

By shifting the focus from historical numbers to the future of the business, both accountants and business owners can engage in discussions that are forward-thinking and strategic. This approach fosters a deeper understanding of the business landscape and encourages collaboration in setting and achieving long-term goals. 

Eventually, this proactive engagement not only strengthens the accountant-client relationship but also positions the accountant as a trusted advisor and strategic partner in the success of the business. 

Maximizing Success through Comprehensive Business Objectives 

Roger emphasizes the importance of helping business owners establish and execute both short and long-range goals, strategies, and plans to enhance their business’s performance. This process begins with adhering to the nine principles designed to make a business profitable. By working with a certified Profit & Growth Expert (PGE), business owners can ensure they allocate time not just to day-to-day operations but also to strategic planning and development. 

The PGE serves as a valuable asset to business owners by providing perspective, asking pertinent questions, and holding them accountable for their priorities. Through this collaborative approach, business owners gain access to proven strategies and models that can be implemented immediately to drive growth and profitability. These strategies include the Universal Turnaround Model, the Universal Business Plan, the Nine Principles for Business Profitability, the Eight Drivers determining business value, and the Profit First system. 

By integrating these steps into their engagement with their accountant or certified PGE, business owners can develop a comprehensive and effective roadmap for achieving their business objectives and maximizing success.
