The 10 Most Influential CROs to watch in 2023

Tav Tepfer: Pioneering Revenue Growth and Customer Loyalty in SaaS

The 10 Most Influential CROs to watch in 2023

Meet Tav Tepfer, a dynamic and accomplished female executive with over 25 years of experience. Currently serving as the Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) at Invent Analytics, Tav is recognized for her exceptional leadership in developing and guiding teams to create and deliver cutting-edge SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solutions that not only expand market share but also cultivate unwavering customer loyalty. 

Tav’s leadership style is marked by her strategic approach in sales. Throughout her career, she has consistently demonstrated her ability to identify and seize opportunities that maximize company revenue, all while ensuring exceptional customer outcomes. Her success is a testament to her talent for harnessing the collective strengths of cross-functional teams, guiding them toward common goals and accomplishments. 

With a multifaceted approach to business, Tav combines the precision of a mathematician with the enthusiasm of a cheerleader and the innovation of a change agent. This unique blend of qualities enables her to bring fresh, customer-centric perspectives to every business opportunity she encounters. Tav’s approach isn’t just about numbers; it’s about forging meaningful connections and delivering value to customers. 

One quote that encapsulates Tav’s philosophy is, “The only thing constant is change!” This mindset reflects her adaptability and readiness to embrace the dynamic nature of the business landscape. She thrives in environments where change is the norm, using it as a catalyst for growth and innovation. 

From Childhood Aspirations to a Career in Data Science 

Tav’s journey from childhood aspirations to her current career has been marked by unexpected twists and valuable experiences. Initially aspiring to become a doctor, Tav’s mother recognized her aptitude for mathematics and encouraged her to pursue a degree in the field. This led to a career as a data scientist and later a product manager, analyzing sales data for companies like Office Depot. A pivotal moment occurred when Tav presented a detailed analysis to a company’s VP, which unexpectedly led to a shift into sales. Although Tav had never imagined herself as a salesperson, she discovered a passion for the role. 

During the dot-com boom, Tav’s career took an exciting turn when the company’s CEO left to start a new venture and brought Tav along. This experience exposed her to the rapidly changing market and the importance of optimization solutions in addressing complex challenges. Through these various career transitions, Tav found fulfillment in embracing unexpected opportunities and adapting to new roles, highlighting the value of flexibility and seizing chances for growth. 

Applying Optimization Expertise to Global Business Challenges 

Tav’s career journey has been marked by remarkable opportunities and experiences that have shaped her into the professional she is today. During the dot-com boom, she had the privilege of working alongside notable figures like Jeff Bezos, Michael Rubin, Tommy Hilfiger, and Sting on projects that addressed the logistical challenges retailers and brands faced when delivering online orders directly to consumers’ homes. This was a catalyst in her career. Subsequently, Tav embarked on a global journey, collaborating with major companies such as Wal-Mart, Aeropostale, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Nike, AEO, Sysco Foods, and Cargill. Her expertise centered on applying optimization to various complex business needs, including price optimization, size profiling, and inventory management. Throughout her career, Tav benefited from the guidance of many mentors along the way, Tav learned the intricacies and benefits of solving these complex problems. This experience instilled in her a tenacity for business and a passion for forging strong partnerships. 

Today, as the CRO at Invent Analytics, Tav plays a crucial role in shaping the company’s go-to-market strategies. Her primary focus is on delivering value to customers and driving rapid company growth, a testament to her career progression from product management and enterprise sales to sales management, head of customer success and operations, and now CRO. Her diverse experiences and expertise contribute to her commitment to driving business success and delivering impactful solutions to clients. 

Significance of Data-Driven Solutions in Retail 

Invent Analytics is a pioneering provider of retail inventory and price optimization solutions, specializing in helping large global retailers optimize their supply chains using artificial intelligence. Tav’s journey to joining the company was deeply influenced by her meeting with Invent Analytics’ founder and CEO, Gurhan Kok. She was drawn to the company’s core mission, which centers on using science and technology to deliver sustainable, long-term value to clients through a collaborative team effort. Gurhan’s intelligence, kindness, and the company’s mission perfectly aligned with Tav’s career aspirations. Her desire to work with good people and make a meaningful impact in the retail industry made Invent Analytics an ideal fit. 

The company’s core focus is on assisting retailers in maximizing profitability by harnessing the power of data-driven demand and probabilistic forecasting, inventory optimization, and pricing strategies. With a highly skilled team of data scientists and engineers, Invent Analytics empowers retailers to optimize their supply chains and inventory planning, positioning them to thrive in the era of omni-channel retail. 

Inventory has always been everything in retail, but the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic have left a lasting impact on the retail industry, with supply chain disruptions continuing to affect retailers in novel and urgent ways. Drawing on her prior experience in the retail industry and in the inventory and price optimization space, Tav recognized the potential of her expertise to drive meaningful change. She was particularly drawn to Invent Analytics due to its innovative approach and robust solutions, designed to help retailers adapt, overcome challenges, and ultimately enhance their bottom-line performance. 

Tailoring Solutions and Fostering Collaboration 

Tav emphasizes that at Invent Analytics, they recognize the unique and diverse needs of every retailer. Therefore, the team dedicates time and effort to gain a deep understanding of each customer’s specific business model. This understanding coupled with a flexible platform allows them to address the distinct omnichannel requirements of each client. 

Moreover, Invent Analytics takes a partnership approach that extends beyond technology provision. They believe in the power of collaboration to achieve excellence. To facilitate this, they assemble a “hub team model” comprising business analysts, data scientists, and software engineers. This interdisciplinary team continually adapts and introduces new capabilities to meet the evolving needs of their customers. They work closely with the merchandise planning, inventory and pricing teams of each customer to identify business opportunities and ensure ongoing improvements on the extensible platform, all with the aim of delivering lasting value. 

Staying Competitive in the Ever-Changing SaaS Landscape 

Tav recognizes the fast-paced nature of the digital-centric world we live in today, where change is a constant. In this environment, it’s crucial for SaaS providers to remain agile and responsive. If it takes too long to develop and roll out software in the retail industry, by the time it’s ready, it may already be outdated. Staying competitive and relevant in the face of emerging technologies is becoming increasingly challenging. 

Tav believes that a company’s success in this landscape is defined by its ability to effectively harness and make sense of the vast amount of data available. This entails using data-driven insights to impact the bottom-line and adapt to evolving market conditions. In essence, staying ahead in the SaaS industry means being agile, data-savvy, and capable of delivering tangible value to clients in an ever-changing business landscape. 

Mentorship and Leadership Development 

Throughout Tav’s career, she has benefited from valuable mentorship and diverse experiences. Her father was a state champion football player and her mother was a teacher and coach. Her mom played a significant role in teaching her to recognize strengths in others, instilling confidence in her own abilities, and encouraging her to combine strengths for collective success. Her dad taught her to win. This upbringing has shaped her approach to teamwork and leadership. 

Fortunately, Tav’s mentors and bosses have consistently supported her in taking risks and even viewing decisive mistakes as opportunities for growth rather than failures. This mindset has been instrumental in fostering a culture of problem-solving and fearless action. 

Tav’s work in various start-up tech companies that later merged with larger organizations has given her insights into where she can make a meaningful impact within a company. She has a strong commitment to building a culture where every team member is genuinely valued, allowing them to collectively make a swift and positive difference. 

Embracing a Culture of Learning and Adaptation 

Tav places a significant emphasis on the value of learning from mistakes as a crucial method in business. She highlights the importance of evaluating both successes and setbacks to extract valuable lessons. This approach involves collaboration within the team and aligning sales and marketing efforts toward common objectives. By doing so, they can create impactful messaging using multi-touch cadences and meticulously monitor results for their Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs). 

In addition, Tav emphasizes the importance of analyzing various activities to determine their return on investment (ROI), both in terms of time and money. She encourages and empowers team members to embrace a culture of continuous learning, agility, and iteration. She encourages everyone to share their learnings and encourage each other as a collective team. This mindset promotes growth and improvement within the organization. 

Teamwork and Collaboration 

Tav’s dedication to teamwork and her appreciation for collaboration are well-known to anyone who has had the privilege of working with her. For Tav, the essence of success lies in working together harmoniously. When challenges arise, she believes in collectively devising solutions.  

Moreover, Tav places a strong emphasis on recognizing and nurturing the strengths and talents of her team members. She understands that elevating and empowering your team is the driving force behind achieving success. Even in difficult situations, such as terminations, Tav strives to find and highlight the positive contributions of individuals and encourages them to leverage those skills for their future career endeavors. Her commitment to uplifting others is a hallmark of her leadership style.  

Commitment to Volunteering and Passion for Travel 

For the past decade, Tav has dedicated her time and efforts to volunteering for Urban Roots in Austin, TX. This organization focuses on youth development, utilizing food and farming to positively impact the lives of young individuals and contribute to the community by engaging, inspiring, and nourishing the future. 

Beyond her volunteer work, Tav finds joy in entertaining and exploring new destinations through travel. She owns a house in Costa Rica, a place she describes as grounding and inhabited by some of the happiest people on Earth. Her adventurous spirit shines through her activities, whether it’s doing flips off a boat, leaping into waterfalls, or engaging in stand-up paddleboarding in the ocean. Tav’s love for friendly competition turns even simple games like darts, golf, running or cornhole into exciting challenges, highlighting her passion for connecting with people and embracing adventure, all while embodying the spirit of “pura vida!” 

Words for Aspiring Commercial Executives in SaaS 

Tav offers valuable advice to aspiring commercial executives aiming to excel in the world of SaaS and revenue growth. Here are the key takeaways: 

  • Be Authentic: Authenticity is a key trait for success in any industry. Stay true to yourself and your beliefs. Authenticity resonates with people and builds trust. 
  • Empathize: Put yourself in the shoes of your clients and understand what matters to them. Empathy is crucial for winning deals and building strong relationships. 
  • Be honest: Always be transparent in your interactions. Honesty stands the test of time and is a foundation for trust, both in sales and in life. 
  • Keep the “Eye on the Prize” Mindset: Maintain a focus on your goals and objectives. Stay determined and persistent in your pursuit of success. 
  • Value your team: Align with a team that is stronger as a unit than they are as individuals and you’ll excel faster. Rely on them for their strengths and give them credit. 

By being authentic, empathetic, and honest while staying goal-oriented, you can build meaningful relationships and drive revenue growth in the competitive world of SaaS. Pura vida!
